Privacy policy

At AELIG, we take your privacy seriously.

We do not collect any personal information about you, except for the information that you voluntarily provide to us.

We do not share your personal information with third parties.

Information We Collect

When you visit our website, we may collect non-personal information about you, such as your IP address, browser type, the date and time of your visit, and the pages you visit. This information is used to improve the performance and usability of our website.

We also use Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) to track website usage and to generate statistical information about our website visitors. Google Analytics collects information about your location, the device you are using, the browser you are using, and your behavior on our website. This information is used to help us understand how our website is being used and to make improvements.

We use Sentry for the website infrastructure monitoring and Mailchimp for managing contacts and sending messages once you decide to explicitly insert your email address

We do not use cookies to collect personal information about you. Cookies are used only to improve your browsing experience on our website.

Information We Don't Collect

We do not collect any personal information about you, except for the information that you voluntarily provide to us. We do not collect any financial information, credit card numbers, or other sensitive information.

Web3 Login

Our mobile app uses Web3 Login, which is a decentralized login system that does not collect any user data. When you use Web3 Login to log in to our app, you are using your own digital wallet to authenticate your identity. We do not have access to your wallet or any of your personal information.

Data Security

We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. However, no data transmission over the internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. If we make any material changes to this policy, we will notify you by email (if you have provided us with your email address) or by posting the changes on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected]

The full AELIG Privacy Policy is here.